Legal and Privacy - Dev.

Was tun wir
We advise companies and individuals in the rent, participating
etc. We hold and manage investments in other companies, we provide/offer
UG-founded companies hold
intell Property We manage (ie domain name, exploitation rights, etc)
KN intell. Property
KN R&D Devision

Important note: It is illegal to send spam email to one of our account. Es ist illegal Spam Email an uns zu versenden. Per case we bill you minimal 15000 Euro.

By decision of 12 May 1998 decided the regional court Hamburg that one may be placing a link on the contents of the linked site to answer for. This - so the regional court - only be prevented by distancing oneself expressly from these contents. I have on my page links to other sites on the Internet. For all these links:.. "I would like to emphasize that I have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages Therefore I dissociate hereby expressly from all contents of all linked pages on my website This declaration applies to all on my home page and all contents of the pages to which the banners.

Kujat.NET Limited

Central Administration
Suite 2720, 24B Moorefield Rd
Johnsonville, Wellington 6037,
New Zealand
fon-uk +44-203-095-0911
fax-uk +44-203-095-2010

freefon-de 0800-5852800
freefax-de 0800-3297363

fon-us +1-202-470-4588

fon-fr +33-970-307-349

office@kujat . net

Registered office
registerd in England and Wales
Company No: 07436366

The publication of the address, phone, fax and email does not constitute an acceptance of advertising / market research of any kind. We do claim cpmpensation according to our normal hourly rates.
Die Veröffentlichung der Adresse, Telefon,Telefax und Email stellt kein Einverständnis zu Werbung/Marktforschung jedweder Art dar. Wir berechnen unsere Stundensaetze.
Gerichtsverzeichnis * Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen(K-Net) * Public Procedures directory(K-Net)
Unser Zeitschriften-Partnershop Finance-Place.de * Unser FinanzPortal Unser Portal fuer Hotelangebote
Unser Gewinnspieleintragung-Service Unser Gewinnspiel Domain-Service und Webhosting
Keine Werbung Vorratsgesellschaft UG ShoppingCastle

All consulting is done by KUJAT BBV UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)

KN-Group Lastschriftformular(Direct Debit)

KN-Group Abbuchungsformular